
Apple 2 emulator mac
Apple 2 emulator mac

apple 2 emulator mac

The other issue is the Smartport STATUS command. I believe this info is taken from the disk image’s filesystem data and not from the drive itself, so I’d like to try making another disk image for the //c and see if the size is reported correctly. What’s even stranger, you can see in the photo that it reports 57422 blocks used and 20466 blocks available, which is a total of about 38 MB – larger than either the actual or claimed size of the disk. The description of the disk image says it’s 32 MB, but the image file is actually only about 6 MB uncompressed. The photo shows an Apple //c booted with Floppy Emu’s new Smartport firmware, using a ProDOS disk image that I downloaded from. There must be some way to use Ciderpress and/or an Apple II emulator to create a blank 32 MB disk image, format it, and fill it with ProDOS and other software, but I can’t seem to figure out how. The //c can’t run GS/OS, so I can’t use any of the many GS hard disk images available on the web.


For the Apple //c, I’m actually not sure how to make a 32 MB hard disk image with ProDOS and a collection of other software. But it’s a lot of information to cram onto a 21 x 6 character LCD, especially when it all scrolls by so fast you can barely read it.īeyond those bugs, there are a couple of larger issues that also need sorting out. If necessary, it can also display the block number for the read commands, and other details. R for a block read, S for a status request, I for an init command, etc. The current version of the firmware spews a lot of text to the LCD to help troubleshoot what’s happening. Under GS/OS, when using Floppy Emu as a Smartport hard disk, a phantom 5.25 inch drive also appears on the desktop.This is because the emulator doesn’t initialize itself fast enough at first power-up in order to be ready when Apple II first checks the disk.

apple 2 emulator mac

Instead, you have to turn on the Apple II, wait a moment, then press CTRL+Open Apple+RESET. The disk won’t “cold boot” when you turn on the power.While Smartport technically supports disks up to 8 GB, I believe ProDOS and GS/OS are limited to 32 MB maximum. This is just a plain ProDOS-ordered disk image file. Emulates a single hard disk, using a disk image stored on the SD card named “smart.hdv”.

apple 2 emulator mac


I’m not releasing the new firmware just yet, because it’s still so full of holes that it’s probably not useful to anyone. While there are still many wrinkles to iron out, the basic functionality is there, so I’m excited. I’ve tested it on both the GS and the //c, and it works without any special adapters, using the connector and cable I’ve already been selling for Macintosh use. It provides solid state storage similar to the CFFA 3000, Focus Drive, etc. Smartport hard disk emulation is now working on Floppy Emu, with my latest firmware! This mounts an SD memory card as an external 32 MB hard disk, on Apple II machines with Smartport support: the GS, or //c with ROM version 0 or later.

  • Steve on Floppy Emu Disk Emulator for Apple II, Macintosh, and Lisa.
  • contiguous on Floppy Emu Disk Emulator for Apple II, Macintosh, and Lisa.
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  • Stephen Arsenault on Eject Motor Gearbox Autopsy.
  • Floppy Emu Disk Emulator for vintage Apple II, Macintosh, and Lisa

    Apple 2 emulator mac